Saturday, April 4, 2009


Yesterday evening me, Lovey and Lovey's momma went to the circus. After chasing tickets all day, Lovey and I finally drove to Mt.Home and bought them at the Chamber of Commerce. Then it was back home for a quick nap before the great adventure! Lovey was SO excited and that got momma and Pa excited too!! We had front row seats and Lovey just couldn't be still. The music just got in her little body and she had to MOVE! So, it was dance and jump and twist and turn! What fun to watch her having such a great time. She loved the elephants and the puppy dogs. She didn't much care for the clowns. She didn't like it because they "hit" each other. She kept shouting at them; "NO.... STOP....DON'T!!" She wasn't too sure about the tigers when they came out of their cages. She asked momma; "They won't get me?" Momma assured her that she was safe. She got to ride an elephant with momma. That was SO cool. She made friends with a little girl she met there and it was so cute to watch them standing there holding hands and talking like oldtime friends. Of course Lovey NEVER meets a stranger, so wherever she goes she's going to have some friends before she leaves! What a fun time we had!!

Lovey is at the age where she is trying to assert herself and take charge. The other day she and I went to the pharmacy to pick up some meds. As we entered the store she said, "I can talk to these people." I didn't think much about it. However, when we walked up to the counter I guess things weren't moving fast enough to suit her. So... she stands up on her tiptoes and is just barely able to be seen by the cashier and she says very loudly, "Excuse me lady. Do you have some medicine for my Pa?" Of course everyone with in hearing just started laughing. She was the center of attention and that is just what she wanted!

Well, evening has come. The last rays of daylight have faded. Tomorrow is the Lord's day and I'm looking forward to being in His house. Tomorrow we mark his triumphant entry into Jerusalem as he prepares to offer himself as the Sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world.

Do you know that he died for you? Oh yes, it's true! He knew that we could never pay the price for our own sins, because we were already tainted by a sin nature. So, he willingly became sin for us, that he might offer us eternal life! All we have to do is confess our sins, believe on him as the Son of God who God raised from the dead, we will be saved! Yes, it really IS that simple. Won't you ask him into your heart right now? He's waiting for you!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Awww! I bet the circus was a blast:) Thanks for sharing!