Thursday, April 30, 2009

"The Wonders of Spaghetti"

Spaghetti and children go together like .... um ..... um .... uhh ..... hmmmm.... Oh well, never mind! It's interesting to say the least. For a two year old spaghetti is like ...... a new galaxy to an astronomer, an ancient dig to an archaeologist, a....... a...... a newly discovered, totally flat, dehydrated frog carcase to a house dog who has been let out for his morning stroll!! It's tantalizing! It's totally mesmerizing! It stretches the boundaries of the imagination!! I discovered this when we sat down to a dinner of spaghetti this evening.

Lovey began right away to experiment to see what all it could be used for. During the course of the meal, her spaghetti became ... whiskers, which kept her occupied for a while, worms, which kept her occupied for QUITE a while, string, to tie around the handle of her cup and numerous other items that were mentioned briefly. OH, it also became a sort of musical instrument so that when you hum and pull it up and down over your lips, it changes the sound a little. However, it doesn't last very long when used for this purpose. Of course during the experiments it became known that one could "slurp" a string of spaghetti ..... the longer the string, the better to "slurp"!

OK!! OK!! So I showed her how to do THAT!! I'm still a kid at heart and DON"T TRY TO TELL ME YOU NEVER SLURPED SPAGHETTI!!! It's like a rite of passage! And besides, I wanted her to know how to act when her mother takes her to The Olive Garden to eat out with friends!! Grandkids are SUCH fun!!

I looked at those sparkling brown eyes above those sauce streaked lips and cheeks and I thought ........"OH, YEAH!! This is what grandkids are for!!"

Now, what was it I heard kids could do with green beans.... ?

However, as with most things, the wonder of it all soon began to fade and as Nana attempted to wash her hands and face, (dread chore) THAT became the new game for the moment! As soon as that was accomplished, it was on to the musical floor mat to dance until she couldn't stand up!!

You know .... we adults could learn a lot from kids. For example, Experiment... you never know what an item can be used for. Let your imagination lead you! Create a game out of your most unpleasant chores. Don't dwell on one thing too long. Adults tend to wrestle a problem long after it has surrendered. And don't forget to sing and dance!! Sometimes during the day I will hear Lovey in another room just singing away! Sometimes it is a made up song about something that has caught her attention. Or it may be a verse or so from two or three songs that, in her mind and her world, go together just perfectly!! And it always brings a smile to my face when I walk in a room and see her caught up in some little dance that is just an outflow of her zest for and joy of life!

There is a song that says something like .... "I'm gonna sing, like nobody's listening, love, like I'll never get hurt. I'm gonna dance, dance, dance, like nobody's watching.......

So, "Go ahead! Let that song out!! Nobody's listening!! And if they are .... you might hear them take the harmony part! And go ahead. Take that twirl or do that little two step. Nobody's watching!! And if they are, you might just find you have a partner!

I guess what I'm trying to say is, "Life should be enjoyed.... like a good meal of spaghetti!!!

Blessings to you! And I double dog dare you to sing and dance!!

P.S. The associated picture of Lovey was taken at age 13 months. She is now 2 years, 7 months.

Monday, April 20, 2009

SPRING!!! Again?

Well, a week or so back the weather teased us a little and made us think spring was here. Then it turned cold on us. However, I know not to pay much attention to a warm day or two. For me, the real sign that spring has arrived is when the walnut trees put out leaves. The young ones are just now starting to leaf and the mature ones have yet to make a showing. But.... the gardening bug bit me and so I've started my garden in hopes that all the frost and freezes are behind us. I've got taters up, onions up, carrots up and corn, squash, green peas and some tomatos and sweet peppers planted. I love spring and I love gardening, though you would never know it by listening to me moan and groan at the end of a day spent plowing, planting or weeding! In a few weeks the squash will be maturing, and the tomatos and other stuff I like won't be far behind. Yum-yum. And when that "Gotta have it" sweet corn matures... OH YEAH!! I can't resist eating that first ear right there in the garden!

Here in our little valley we are about two weeks behind as far as things blooming out. It is just cold enough here to hold things back a little. Brenda's lilacs are just now blooming and my iris' are just now beginning to show buds. We get to see everyone else's flowers and then we get to enjoy our own! How cool is that?

Lovey enjoyed being outside today, even though it was a little windy. Ok, it was VERY windy! But that child loves the outdoors and she never slows down once she gets outside. What a joy it is to watch her romp and run and to hear that little voice calling, "Chase me, Pa!" She loves to play "tag" and she has learned to "trick" us, by bending over, looking at the ground and saying, "Oh look at this. Isn't it pretty?" Then when you come to see "it" she will jump up and touch you and shout, "Tag. You're it!" She seems never to tire of that game. She doesn't understand why Pa and Nana need to sit down and rest now and then. To her it seems such a waste of good play time! And besides, if she DOES get tired, Pa can always carry her or pull her in the wagon! Problem solved!!

I look at Lovey and I can't help but wonder what the world holds if the Lord should tarry much longer. I must be truthful... Sometimes a feeling of fear tries to worm it's way into my mind as I realize how much evil is in the world today and how vulnerable our little ones are. It is such a relief to know that God is in control of the life of those who invite Him to live within. With all the turmoil in the world today and such uncertainty as to what lies ahead, I am so glad to have the promise of my Lord, that He will never leave me nor forsake me, but will go with me to the end! The promises and the person of God are the only REAL certainties we have. We have no promise of life on this earth tomorrow. But that does not leave us destitute! For we DO have a promise of eternal life in Christ! If you have not availed yourself of that promise, won't you do so today? When you do, share your decision with someone!

Have a blessed day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Where did the warm weather go?

BRRRRRRRRRRRR!! It's cold tonight!! Thank God for a warm house and a comfortable bed to sleep in. Nights like this I can't help but think about those less fortunate than myself. Do I have everything I want? NO!! But I certainly have everything I need! How blessed I am and all because of unmerited favor. GOD LOVES ME!! How awesome is that?!! He loves you too. I hope you know that.

My wife is back home after visiting her mom's family for a couple of days. Man, I miss her when she's gone!! I'm just glad she always comes back! :-) I always leave a few dishes sitting around, just so she'll feel right at home as SOON as she returns!! :-) Now isn't that just the sweetest gesture on my part?

Lovey was her usual charming self today! That child is SO sweet!! I am so blessed to be able to spend time with her every day! She is such a little "drama queen"!! I showed her some pictures today of the train we rode when on vacation in Colorado; the Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge.
So she says in her most pitiful voice; "Pa, I NEED to go to RODORADO and ride the train!!" She is SUCH a DOLL!!

Well, I am getting very sleepy and I don't want to fight it, (har) so.... "Now I lay me down to sleep.....

Until next time,
May the God of all creation shower you with blessings.

Saturday, April 4, 2009


Yesterday evening me, Lovey and Lovey's momma went to the circus. After chasing tickets all day, Lovey and I finally drove to Mt.Home and bought them at the Chamber of Commerce. Then it was back home for a quick nap before the great adventure! Lovey was SO excited and that got momma and Pa excited too!! We had front row seats and Lovey just couldn't be still. The music just got in her little body and she had to MOVE! So, it was dance and jump and twist and turn! What fun to watch her having such a great time. She loved the elephants and the puppy dogs. She didn't much care for the clowns. She didn't like it because they "hit" each other. She kept shouting at them; "NO.... STOP....DON'T!!" She wasn't too sure about the tigers when they came out of their cages. She asked momma; "They won't get me?" Momma assured her that she was safe. She got to ride an elephant with momma. That was SO cool. She made friends with a little girl she met there and it was so cute to watch them standing there holding hands and talking like oldtime friends. Of course Lovey NEVER meets a stranger, so wherever she goes she's going to have some friends before she leaves! What a fun time we had!!

Lovey is at the age where she is trying to assert herself and take charge. The other day she and I went to the pharmacy to pick up some meds. As we entered the store she said, "I can talk to these people." I didn't think much about it. However, when we walked up to the counter I guess things weren't moving fast enough to suit her. So... she stands up on her tiptoes and is just barely able to be seen by the cashier and she says very loudly, "Excuse me lady. Do you have some medicine for my Pa?" Of course everyone with in hearing just started laughing. She was the center of attention and that is just what she wanted!

Well, evening has come. The last rays of daylight have faded. Tomorrow is the Lord's day and I'm looking forward to being in His house. Tomorrow we mark his triumphant entry into Jerusalem as he prepares to offer himself as the Sacrificial Lamb for the sins of the world.

Do you know that he died for you? Oh yes, it's true! He knew that we could never pay the price for our own sins, because we were already tainted by a sin nature. So, he willingly became sin for us, that he might offer us eternal life! All we have to do is confess our sins, believe on him as the Son of God who God raised from the dead, we will be saved! Yes, it really IS that simple. Won't you ask him into your heart right now? He's waiting for you!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Just the two of us

What a beautiful morning, this third day of April, 2009!! It was frosty in our valley this morning with the temp at 31 degrees. But the sun is shining bright and the temps are going UP!

Lovey and I will spend the day together, just the two of us. Nana has gone for a visit with her family and mom is at work, so it's just Lovey and me. We plan to be outside as much as possible! This evening we plan on going to the circus in Mt. Home! What FUN that should be! Lovey's FIRST circus!! Mom will be going with us!

Have a wonderful day and I encourage you to make time to talk with God today, and give Him praise. "

"Let every thing that has breath praise the Lord!"

Are you breathing? :-)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frosty morning

The forecast called for a low of 35 in our area last night. When I awoke a 6:30 a.m. this morning it was 29 here in our little valley. FROSTY!! Good thing I covered up my wife's flowers last night!
But the sun is shining and gives a hint of a warmer day as the hours pass. Lovey has already asked me if we could go outside. I know she is tired of being stuck in the house all winter. SO AM I!!
I watched a little bit of fog rise from the creek as the sun began to make it's presence known. As usual, my mind turned to our Creator and how He has established all things in their own time. He even likened our life to that vapor that rises from the earth and within moments is passed away. I am so glad to know I have eternal life in Christ; another wonder of our Creator!

If today you experience loss, frustration, lonlieness, fear or uncertainty I encourage you to seek the safety and peace that is found only in Christ Jesus. Just ask him to help you. We are invited in his word (Ist Peter 5:7 ) to cast all our care on him, because he cares for us. What a comforting assurance!

Have a great day!! God bless.