Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"The Project"

Abigail (holding a huge earthworm) and momma

“Papa, can you come help me swing?” a tiny voice called from the doorway of my shop. I looked up from the project I was working on to find this inquisitive little chatterbox, who was never at a loss for words and always full of questions, standing with hands clasped behind her back, eyes bright with anticipation. This beautiful little dark haired girl was the granddaughter I had always wanted. I placed the tool I was using back in its place on the wall, wiped my hands and called ”Just a minute baby girl.” The project I was working on would have to wait another day.

Yesterday the call had been, “Papa, can we feed the fishies in the creek? They’re hungry!” The project I was working on had been set aside then as well. As I reached for the tiny hand being held up to me, I was captured by the beauty of her deep brown eyes. Like bottomless pools of molten umber they caught the light of the sun and reflected it back in tiny sparkles like the water in the creek we were heading for. We had to stop and dig some “wums” to feed the fish, which brought squeals, giggles of delight and a few genuine shrieks as they wiggled in her hand on the way to the can she put them in. Who would have thought, my “baby girl”, the one who wanted to be called “Princess”, delighted in the wriggly creatures we dug from the earth.

At the creek there was much laughter and squeals of sheer joy as the fish broke the surface of the water to retrieve the worms that were tossed to them. And then came the inevitable question. “Papa, do fishies go to heaven?” In the nanosecond before I could answer, the question was forgotten as she took my hand to guide me on a tour of her world. There were flowers to see, a butterfly to chase, a baby rabbit to cherish and a hundred other things, which briefly caught her attention. The project was forgotten and the day spent just being with my granddaughter.

Today, as we set out for the swing, she alternated between holding my hand and skipping ahead, only to return and tug me along, chattering all the while. I knew that work on the project had ceased for the day. As I listened to her endless descriptions of every thing she saw, I was aware of another voice trying to get a word in edgeways. I know the voice well, the voice of the Holy Spirit.
I marveled as His gentle words found their way into my heart. “Some projects are much more important than others!” Then He helped me to understand.

You see my precious granddaughter is adopted. She came into our lives as a result of much prayer, and the longing of our daughter’s heart. Our only daughter, and only living child, had never married, but longed for a child. Being the godly woman she is, having a child out of wedlock was not an option. And there were so many children who needed someone to love them and care for them and give them a stable home. We fully supported her when she told us of her decision to try to adopt a child.

From the time our daughter had decided to try for adoption, we had somehow always known she would adopt a girl and in all our conversations concerning the adoption, Abbi (Abigail) was called by name. We reveled in the thoughts that filled our hearts as we waited. What would she look like? What color was her hair? What color were her eyes? Would she grow up to be short or tall? Abigail was included in every plan we made, just in case “the call” came on any given day. On vacation in the mountains of Colorado, our daughter kept the cell phone at hand, waiting for the call. We made alternate plans, so we could be free to rush to her, if the call came. After a three year “eternity”, the call came that our daughter had been chosen to adopt, miracle of miracles, a then as yet unborn baby girl! God had answered our prayers! Abbi was coming to us! Oh the joy that filled our hearts when our daughter gave us the news! It was the last of August 2006 when word came, and Abigail was to be born in late September. That was the longest, hardest wait of my life! I don’t remember being that anxious during the nine months my wife carried our daughter, or our twin boys. (Our twins did not survive, but that’s another story for another time.) Though the days were filled with preparation, they seemed to pass at an interminably slow pace.
I must admit, I was probably good for nothing during those days of waiting. My every thought was of Abigail! We were about to find out the answers to all those musing of, what color eyes, what color hair, short or tall, slim or chubby, dark or fair complexion, and the waiting was eating me alive!

I remember arriving at the hospital the day Abbi was to be born. The doctor was to induce labor that morning and we were told we should expect a delivery sometime that day. WOW! I was going to be a grandpa!!

Let me take a moment to say that, the precious young lady who would bring Abigail into this world was one of the most beautiful individuals I have ever met. Her spirit was SO sweet, and her love for the baby she carried was ever so evident. She now found herself in a situation where some wrong choices had brought her to this point in life, where she had made a most difficult decision, but the right decision nonetheless, to give her baby life and allow someone else the desire of their heart. She knew adoption was best for Abigail and she was determined to do what was best! How my heart went out to her and still goes out to her. There is hardly a day goes by that I don’t think of her, wonder where she is, how she and Abbi’s half sister are, and they are always in my prayers. She will perhaps, never know the joy her selfless act brought into our lives; the gift she placed in our hands and the longing that was fulfilled by her decision. There is NO doubt in my mind about her love for Abigail. The breaking of her heart became the healing for our hearts. You can’t top that kind of selfless love!

At the hospital I settled into the waiting room with a book I would never remember reading as my daughter and my wife went to the delivery room to visit with Abigail’s birthmom while she waited for things to progress. This is the only thing I remember happening fast! It seemed I had only read the first page of the book, for maybe the fourth or fifth time, when I looked up to see my wife coming down the hospital corridor blubbering something I couldn't understand and crying uncontrollably! My first thought was that perhaps the young lady had changed her mind about the adoption. I shot out of my seat like I had a rocket strapped to me, and ran toward my wife saying, “What’s wrong, what’s wrong?” She proceeded right past me toward her purse and personal bag, which I was supposed to be watching, and said as she passed me, “Nothings wrong! She’s here and she’s BEAUTIFUL!!” It took just a moment to sink in that things had progressed THAT far THAT fast!! I was left standing there for the moment with a bewildered look on my face as my wife exclaimed, “I NEED MY CAMERA!!” WOW!! Just like that… I was a grandpa!! In just a few moments I was allowed into the room where I got my first look at Abigail! I’ll just say this… I was SMITTEN!!

We love Abigail as if she were our own flesh and blood. She is, in every sense of the word, our daughter’s daughter and our “granddaughter.” My wife cherishes the endearing name “Nana” and fills it to perfection.

Our daughter is an educator in the public school system where we live and is financially able to provide for her new daughter, and very much up to the task of rearing a child. She is a great mother to this little brown-eyed beauty. It is just another testament to God’s love and his wisdom and control over every situation that Abigail LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HER MOM!!

Since adopting Abbi, I have seen the fullness of life in my daughter like never before. How good God is to give us the desires of our heart. The fact that they live next door to us and we get to babysit Abigail, is just “icing on the cake.”

Now, some are against the idea of adoption by a single person. But I, for one, see things differently. Were it not for adoption by a single person, I may never have known the joy of being “Papa.” And who’s to say that because there is a mommy and daddy at the start, that will be the case five or ten years down the road? I am the main male influence in this little one’s life, as her birth mother’s father has chosen from the start not to be in her life, and her biological father was eager to sign away his rights, or more likely, his responsibilities. I can only say, they have no idea what they are missing.

As the Holy Spirit teaches me about “the project” at hand, I know that this is one project I will never lay aside. Projects of wood or metal may be laid aside from time to time and resumed at will, but not a project as delicate as this. The Holy Spirit ministers to me, that constant attention to detail is of utmost importance and a gentle yet firm hand is needed in the shaping process. I find comfort in the fact that I am only the apprentice on this project and the “master craftsman” is really in charge!

“Papa, can we get something to drink? I’m thirsty!!” Back to “the project” at hand!!

Written by Richard Sessions 06-04-07

I penned this when my grand daughter was a little over eight months old. It was just something that unfolded in my mind and I wrote it down, as I have a habit of doing. So, at the time, it was part fact and part fiction. Obviously, she couldn’t walk or talk at that age, but the commentary surrounding her birth and adoption is true. And wouldn’t you know, I have a picture of her carrying around a big earthworm!! And now, at almost three years of age, she loves to swing and loves the creek on our property (as most kids would) and she is SO full of energy and life and chatters ALL of the time! What a blessing to see the things I envisioned and wrote about coming to pass!
Would you consider being adopted? I'm talking about the process of becoming a child of the King, whereby we are given the spirit of adoption. That is, Christ claiming us as His own and by that adoption we become sons and daughters of the most high God! I was adopted into God's family a number of years ago, and I can't begin to tell you what a joy and comfort it is to know that I belong to the Royal Family! And to top it all off.... I am given eternal life as a son and heir to God.
If you need a family to belong to, let me encourage you to contact me through this blog and I will lead you through the process of becoming a child of the King. There is always room for a new brother or sister!

Monday, August 10, 2009

What a summer!!

Wow!! They say time flies when your having fun. I just didn't know I was having THAT much fun!!
This has been an incredible summer so far. We had really HOT weather in June, and then really COOL weather in July, with several days not making it out of the 70's and quite a bit of rain for the month. August began HOT, but today we received a lot of rain (it's still raining) and once again the temp dropped into the 70's this afternoon. I have mowed grass until I'm sick of it! However, it has been a good year for pastures and hay. If this keeps up my cows will have graze til November!

What incredible things are happening in our country these days! It is amazing how quickly things go down hill when God turns His face away from man. And I believe He has done just that to America. When the president of America refuses to honor God by doing as presidents have done for many years in hosting a prayer breakfast on the National Day of Prayer, yet attends the gay and lesbian rally and praises lesbians and gays for their tenacity in seeking special privileges and rights, praises Muslims for their efforts to force the religion of Islam on the world and goes to Arab countries and declares that America is NO LONGER a Christian nation, but a conglomeration of Christians, atheists, muslims and agnostics, one can expect that Jehovah God, the ONLY true God, would be offended.

The one consolation for believers today, is that regardless of what man says or does, God is still in control of the final outcome and we have His promises that He will never leave us, but will go with us always, even to the end of the world.

The American people are being sold "a bill of goods" so to speak and many are buying it, lock-stock-and barrel. Even though many have seen the hand writing on the wall, their pride won't let them admit that they made a dumb choice in voting for Obama. They don't want to admit that they joined a mass vote for change, but paid no attention to the fact that JUST WHAT CHANGES were in store never were revealed! We as Americans now owe TRILLIONS of dollars in debt that we didn't owe at the end of the Bush administration. This is Obama's doing, not George Bushs'. Obama chose to ignore the "National Day of Prayer"! Obama seeks to bankrupt America. I believe it is his intention that there will not be another presidential election in America. Not three years and four months from now, NOT EVER! When do dictators come to power? When a country's' economy collapses!

It is indeed sad to watch America being systematically dismantled and brought down to third world status by the man who holds the highest office of the once greatest nation in the world!

Why do I say, the ONCE greatest nation? It's simple! A nation who elects as their leader a person who will not acknowledge God as being God, cannot expect a holy and righteous God to continue to heap blessings on them. America has only been the greatest nation on earth because of our Christian beliefs and our acknowledging God as the All Mighty, thus invoking His blessing on us and His power in our behalf. Now the leader of this nation thumbs his nose at God and that has had and will continue to have disastrous consequences for the nation. We are being told that everything is improving. That is a lie that will be borne out as man deals with the judgment of an All Mighty God, against whom, man cannot presume to fight! The wisdom of God in dealing with man, is greater than the wisdom of man in dealing with God!

Christians, get ready to suffer for the cause of Christ!!

We will be portrayed by the God haters of this world as the reason for the difficulties and strange happenings which I believe are about to befall America. Don't be caught sleeping or complacent and CERTAINLY don't be caught COMPLIANT with the world. Stand up and be numbered with the people of God!

As time passes I long more and more for my heavenly home. That house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens!

To every Christian who reads this blog, I encourage you to be strong and courageous in these last days. Hold fast to your salvation and don't be shaken by the forces of evil who are arrayed against us. Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers and rulers of darkness in high places. Our weapons are not carnal, but are mighty through God and can pull down the strongholds of the enemy.

God bless each of you as you labor for the Master! May He cause you to be at peace and rest.