Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ahhh, spring!!

One of my favorite times of year! I love the transition from winter to spring and from summer to fall. Even though these times of year bring a restlessness to my spirit I am drawn into each of them by the magnificent changes taking place all around me. I love how each day of spring brings the change of color from winter's boring shades of brown. How seemingly each morning there is some new hint of bright color and even the activities of birds and animals herald the change of season. How those hardy roots that have lain dormant through winters cold seem to defy the chill at last and reach for the sun!! Those that seem to be among the frailest, the daffodils, crocuses and buttercups appear to be the most determined and sometimes become so impatient that they must endure a late snow or a frosty morning! I wonder what valuable lessons we of the "higher" nature could learn if only we could speak their language?

Even the turmoil in our country and the world seem somehow easier to face with the promise of new life bursting all around. My desire to start a garden and other "springy" things is tempered only by a look at the forecast that says there are cold nights yet to be endured and the possibility of frost to wreak havoc with my efforts. And so, I seek something with which to pass the days until the warmth has come to stay. I still need to keep the wood box replenished and make sure there is heat in the well house etc. But soon the tangy smell of wood smoke from our two woodburners will fade away and will not be known until my next favorite season, autumn, comes calling and speaks of winters sure return.

I look forward to times with my family in the great outdoors. Times of watching my granddaughter discover new things as they seemingly appear like magic. A butterfly, a frog by the creek, a caterpillar on a leaf, a baby bird's first attempt at flight. "Lovey", my granddaughter is so alive, so full of wonder and so inquisitive at the age of two and a half years! Her imagination is boundless and she sees things in such a delightful fashion. One day I am a puppy dog to her and she pats my face and says "You're a good doggy!!" The next day I am transformed into "Bob" the tomato of Veggietail fame and she is "Larry the cucumber"!! Oh how I waited for and longed for these times. "Thank you God, for the blessings you so richly pour into my life day by day!" You and you alone know my needs and how to provide them.
In a later post I will speak more of this wonderful child and how God brought her into my life!! It's an amazing story of God's love, power, sense of timing, and control; over circumstances!!

So to end my first post, let me say "Thanks for visiting. Come again. Read, enjoy, comment and walk a trail of life with me now and then. I can promise that, in a more literal sense, there will be someone else walking that trail with us. One who already knows the way!! God bless!"