Monday, August 10, 2009

What a summer!!

Wow!! They say time flies when your having fun. I just didn't know I was having THAT much fun!!
This has been an incredible summer so far. We had really HOT weather in June, and then really COOL weather in July, with several days not making it out of the 70's and quite a bit of rain for the month. August began HOT, but today we received a lot of rain (it's still raining) and once again the temp dropped into the 70's this afternoon. I have mowed grass until I'm sick of it! However, it has been a good year for pastures and hay. If this keeps up my cows will have graze til November!

What incredible things are happening in our country these days! It is amazing how quickly things go down hill when God turns His face away from man. And I believe He has done just that to America. When the president of America refuses to honor God by doing as presidents have done for many years in hosting a prayer breakfast on the National Day of Prayer, yet attends the gay and lesbian rally and praises lesbians and gays for their tenacity in seeking special privileges and rights, praises Muslims for their efforts to force the religion of Islam on the world and goes to Arab countries and declares that America is NO LONGER a Christian nation, but a conglomeration of Christians, atheists, muslims and agnostics, one can expect that Jehovah God, the ONLY true God, would be offended.

The one consolation for believers today, is that regardless of what man says or does, God is still in control of the final outcome and we have His promises that He will never leave us, but will go with us always, even to the end of the world.

The American people are being sold "a bill of goods" so to speak and many are buying it, lock-stock-and barrel. Even though many have seen the hand writing on the wall, their pride won't let them admit that they made a dumb choice in voting for Obama. They don't want to admit that they joined a mass vote for change, but paid no attention to the fact that JUST WHAT CHANGES were in store never were revealed! We as Americans now owe TRILLIONS of dollars in debt that we didn't owe at the end of the Bush administration. This is Obama's doing, not George Bushs'. Obama chose to ignore the "National Day of Prayer"! Obama seeks to bankrupt America. I believe it is his intention that there will not be another presidential election in America. Not three years and four months from now, NOT EVER! When do dictators come to power? When a country's' economy collapses!

It is indeed sad to watch America being systematically dismantled and brought down to third world status by the man who holds the highest office of the once greatest nation in the world!

Why do I say, the ONCE greatest nation? It's simple! A nation who elects as their leader a person who will not acknowledge God as being God, cannot expect a holy and righteous God to continue to heap blessings on them. America has only been the greatest nation on earth because of our Christian beliefs and our acknowledging God as the All Mighty, thus invoking His blessing on us and His power in our behalf. Now the leader of this nation thumbs his nose at God and that has had and will continue to have disastrous consequences for the nation. We are being told that everything is improving. That is a lie that will be borne out as man deals with the judgment of an All Mighty God, against whom, man cannot presume to fight! The wisdom of God in dealing with man, is greater than the wisdom of man in dealing with God!

Christians, get ready to suffer for the cause of Christ!!

We will be portrayed by the God haters of this world as the reason for the difficulties and strange happenings which I believe are about to befall America. Don't be caught sleeping or complacent and CERTAINLY don't be caught COMPLIANT with the world. Stand up and be numbered with the people of God!

As time passes I long more and more for my heavenly home. That house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens!

To every Christian who reads this blog, I encourage you to be strong and courageous in these last days. Hold fast to your salvation and don't be shaken by the forces of evil who are arrayed against us. Remember, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, and powers and rulers of darkness in high places. Our weapons are not carnal, but are mighty through God and can pull down the strongholds of the enemy.

God bless each of you as you labor for the Master! May He cause you to be at peace and rest.

1 comment:

His Doorkeeper said...

Joshua talks about being strong and courageous many times...especially in verse 9 ...."Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go." This is a verse that we will no doubt be clinging to in the days ahead!