Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frosty morning

The forecast called for a low of 35 in our area last night. When I awoke a 6:30 a.m. this morning it was 29 here in our little valley. FROSTY!! Good thing I covered up my wife's flowers last night!
But the sun is shining and gives a hint of a warmer day as the hours pass. Lovey has already asked me if we could go outside. I know she is tired of being stuck in the house all winter. SO AM I!!
I watched a little bit of fog rise from the creek as the sun began to make it's presence known. As usual, my mind turned to our Creator and how He has established all things in their own time. He even likened our life to that vapor that rises from the earth and within moments is passed away. I am so glad to know I have eternal life in Christ; another wonder of our Creator!

If today you experience loss, frustration, lonlieness, fear or uncertainty I encourage you to seek the safety and peace that is found only in Christ Jesus. Just ask him to help you. We are invited in his word (Ist Peter 5:7 ) to cast all our care on him, because he cares for us. What a comforting assurance!

Have a great day!! God bless.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

You painted a beautiful picture with your words, Richard. How lovely that must have been. Have a blessed day!