I was privileged to take this photo of God's handiwork, in Rocky Mountain National Park.
WOW!! Over a month since my last blog! But with all the mowing lawns, working my garden, the photography studio business and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, watching Lovey play in the sprinkler or the pool, I've been a very busy guy. But in all this, I praise my Lord!!
I had no idea when I awoke Thursday morning at 6 a.m. that I would not sleep again until sometime in the early hours of this (Saturday) morning! It was REALLY strange!! I wasn't worried about anything. I wasn't fearful, upset, troubled or any of the things which might ordinarily keep me from sleeping! Nonetheless, I simply could not go to sleep. SO... I did OTHER things! Some just to pass time ( there's not much going on at my house throughout the night) and others to see if I could find a reason for not sleeping. ie: "soul searching"!
I won't bore you with the details, but sometime late Friday night, I just began to speak aloud the truths about God! I said, "God, You are the only true God. There is no other beside you! You are above all in all things! You are the redeemer. But more than that, You are MY redeemer! You are Jehovah Jireh, the provider, but more than that you are MY provider! You are the healer! But moreover You are MY healer! You are MY comfort! You are MY source!" And the list just continued to grow as I praised God for WHO HE IS to ME!!
I had been a little short of breath throughout the day Friday, which I attributed to being tired from not sleeping. However, in naming the attributes of God, I simply stated an obvious truth. I said, "God, You are my very BREATH! Without you I could not even breath in the air that you supply." Immediately as I spoke those words my breathing began to ease and once again I was totally AMAZED at the power of God and the spoken word!
The truths that I was speaking aloud, (there is a difference in knowing these things in our heart and speaking them aloud) are truths that we as believers all know. But, if you want these truths to be affirmed in your heart, I challenge you to just SPEAK THEM OUT LOUD!
You may have noticed as I talked about God being MY provider, MY healer, MY comfort, MY source........ I had spoken a truth BEFORE any of those things. That truth is, "God, You are the one true God!"
Now the question arose; Are You MY one true God? OUCH!! Do I ALWAYS put You first in EVERYTHING I SAY and DO? Do I EVER allow You to be crowded out by the cares of life?
Do I ALWAYS seek to GLORIFY YOU and not myself? Even when I praise You, am I seeking praise in return? When people look at me...... Do they see me, or do they see YOU!? Tough questions! But questions that must be answered nonetheless!
The Bible, God's Word, tells us in Colossians 1:18 (that JEWEL of wisdom between Philippians and First Thessalonians); "And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning; the firstborn from the dead: that in ALL things He might have the PRE-EMINENCE!"
The FIRST place, the place of HONOR, the position of AUTHORITY, the only OBJECT of PRAISE!!
I simply did what I knew to do! I asked God to forgive me for my failures in any and all areas, and asked Him to do what I cannot do; .......make my life His own. Paul said, "I live, nevertheless, not I, but Christ liveth in me. And the life that I NOW live in the FLESH, I live by faith of the Son of God."
Sometime after midnight, this a.m. sleep came and I slept soundly until waking at about 8:45, refreshed in both body and soul.
I am a simple person, and I am SO glad that God is willing to come down to my level, to teach me the things I need to learn. Such love...... I can't understand.
There is an old old song which I think sums it up as well as man can word it...... "Could we with ink, the oceans fill, and were the skies of parchment made. Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade. To write the love of God above, would drain the oceans dry! Nor could the scroll, contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky! Oh love of God. How rich and pure. How measureless and strong! It shall forevermore endure; the saints and angels song!
I trust something I have shared has touched your heart and drawn you closer to God. If so, then I have accomplished something worthwhile, by sharing my experience and glorifying God.
If you don't know Christ as your personal Saviour, you can. Simply confess to Him that you are a sinner. Ask Him to forgive your sin. Believe on Him for salvation, and you shall be saved. Then share your decision to follow Christ with someone.
HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!! That's a statement, NOT a question!!